For the month of June, 2021 Fellowship RCO would like to recognize Lauren "Switz" Switzer-Cristiano.
If I knew years ago when I was in the grips of my addiction that all I had to do was work a program of Narcotics Anonymous in exchange for the life I have today I would have done this so much sooner.
My clean date is August 15, 2019. Prior to that date I was in and out of treatment centers and sometimes living out of my car due to my addiction. I had so much internal turmoil and the car I was living in was about to be repossessed to add to it. I could not hold down a job, and I hated the person I had become. I was so lost and filled with fear until I reached out to Sara from Fellowship.
I did everything Sara, my sponsor, and my halfway managers suggested I do; go to 90 meetings in 90 days, get a homegroup, do service at that homegroup, start working steps, and no matter how life shows up never use ever again. it just was not an option anymore. I knew in my heart that if I did all of these things I would be safe, my life would change for the better, and I would not die from my addiction. I trusted these women, my higher power, and more importantly I had trust in what my own heart was telling me.I was terrified from passing away from using drugs and that was a beautiful thing for me because it was the first time I was afraid of anything, and I wanted nothing to do with drugs anymore.
As I completed my 90 in 90, I landed a job and was given an opportunity of a lifetime. My bosses saw something in me that I always knew was there but never thought would be tangible unless I were clean, and finally I was!! They told me that if I stayed clean for one year, work hard, and save my money they will help me open my own business.
Fast forward to now…
YES! I own my own business under my former company and I will have 2 years clean!!! What a miracle!!! I employ 20 people, many of which are in recovery themselves. I sponsor 3 women and am able to pass on the guidance and hope that was freely given to me.
I have a life today that I only thought existed to people of privilege or “normal people.” I am surrounded by a community filled with love and support that is free of judgment and stigmatization. Anything can happen in life when we stop using drugs and alcohol, believe in God, and work a program!!
I am forever grateful for Sara, Rick, Susan, Heather, and Fellowship for helping me get on the path to finding my purpose and showing me how to save my own life!!
Thank you!!