Fourteen years ago, my life went from unbearable to unmanageable...
Everything up until that point, I felt I had a grip on. The day I popped that first pill, my life began to spiral before it was even noticeable.
In the course of those 14 years, I’ve been to jail more times than I can count, been to prison three times and involuntarily admitted to mental health hospitals over a dozen times. I missed out on so much as life and time passed me by. I missed out on a huge chunk of my daughter’s life and time with my family. I’ve hurt everyone that loves me and burned bridges that I can never rebuild. I’ve been homeless and hopeless. I was so far on the wrong side of my addiction that I felt I could never come back.
Nineteen months ago, I was released from prison with nothing but a prayer to Yahweh. I gave up and needed him to step in because here I am again, getting out of prison for the third time and I’m lost. I have nothing and I don’t want to go back to where I left off. Yahweh saw fit for me to be placed at Fellowship Recovery Community Organization’s Men’s Recovery Housing.
When I first got there, it was hard because there were plenty of days I just wanted to run off and get high but I fought. And as I fought, I prayed. I went to the meetings and learned coping skills. I was also able to learn about my character defects. Learning about my character defects helped me understand more about myself. By recognizing my character defects, I have been able to use my coping skills when faced with situations that used to cause me to side step in life.
I have been sober for nineteen months. I have been able to maintain a job and stay out of prison. I was also able to buy myself a car. I have my family and daughter in my life. I owe it to Yahweh, and Fellowship Recovery Community Organization. Fellowship Recovery Community Organization gave me a life I thought I could never have and I am forever grateful.